Other Brass C28000 Muntz Metal RodsRs 580 / KgMaterial: Copper, BrassCondition: NewAlloy: With AlloyDensity: 0.303 lb/in3 @ 68 FElectrical Conductivity: 28 %IACS @ 68 FMachinability rating: 40 Minimum Order Quantity: 1000 KgMaterial: Copper, BrassCondition: NewAlloy: With AlloyDensity: 0.303 lb/in3 @ 68 FElectrical Conductivity: 28 %IACS @ 68 FMachinability rating: 40Forgeability Rating: 90 Founded and patented by English businessman George F. Muntz in 1832, Muntz Metal (C28000 or C280) is primarily used in architectural applications owing to its distinctive colour. It is highly elastic metal at the red heat that makes it ideal for pressing, stamping and hot forging. The metal alloy is also appreciated for high electrical and thermal conductivity, high ductility, high impact strength, good creep resistance, ease of welding, and low volatility under high vacuum. ApplicationsArchitectural PanelsLarge Architectural TrimStructural SheetsDoor FramesDecorative HardwareCondenser platesHeat Exchanger TubeValve StemsBrazing RodEquivalent SpecificationsSpecificationsDesignationISOCuZn40EuropenCuZn40BSCZ 109JISC 2800RussianL60Chemical CompositionCuFePbZnMin/Max59.0 - 63.080.0 - 83.00.2RemNominals60.0000--40.0000Fabrication PropertiesJoining TechniqueSuitabilityBrazingExcellentButt WeldGoodCapacity for Being Cold WorkedFairCapacity for Being Hot FormedExcellentCoated Metal Arc WeldingNot RecommendedForgeability Rating90Gas Shielded Arc WeldingFairMachinability rating40Oxyacetylene WeldingGoodSeam WeldNot RecommendedSolderingExcellentSpot WeldGoodSizes Available HOLLOW RODSMin Bore Size 20 mm and Max OD 100 mmROUND RODS6mm To 130 mmHEX5mm To 60mmSQUARE4mm To 60mmFLAT5mm Min Thickness and max Width 120mmPROFILES / SECTIONSAS per Customer DrawingBILLETSUp to 200mmINGOTSAS per SpecificationPhysical PropertiesProduct PropertyUS CustomaryMetricCoefficient of Thermal Expansion11.6 ·10-6 per oF (68-572 F)20.9 · 10 6 per DegreeC (20-300 C)Density0.303 lb/in3 @ 68 F8.39 gm/cm3 @ 20 CElectrical Conductivity28 %IACS @ 68 F0.164 MegaSiemens/cm @ 20 CElectrical Resistivity37.0 ohms-cmil/ft @ 68 F6.15 microhm-cm @ 20 CMelting Point Liquid US1660 F904 CMelting Point Solid US1650 F899 CModulus of Elasticity in Tension15000 ksi103400 MpaModulus of Rigidity5600 ksi38610 MpaSpecific Gravity8.398.39Specific Heat Capacity0.09 Btu/lb/ DegreeF @ 68 F377.1 J/kg · DegreeK at 293 KThermal Conductivity71.0 Btu · ft/(hr · ft2 · DegreeF) @ 68 F1229.9 W/m · DegreeK at 20 Cknow more7030126273Get Best PriceCall Now C66700 Manganese Brass RodsRs 480 / KilogramBrand: Shree ExtrusionsGrade: C66700Material Brass: Manganese BrassSpecific Gravity: 8.53Thickness: 0.1-3.5mm Minimum Order Quantity: 1000 KilogramBrand: Shree ExtrusionsGrade: C66700Material Brass: Manganese BrassSpecific Gravity: 8.53Thickness: 0.1-3.5mm Excellent hot and cold workability; good forge ability. Fabricated by bending, coining, copper smith, drawing and upsetting, hot forging and pressing, knurling, roll threading, shearing, spinning, swaging, and stamping.Common Fabrication ProcessesBendingBlankingFormingResistance WeldingSeam and Butt WeldingSpot Welded ComponentsStampingEquivalent SpecificationsSpecificationsDesignationISOC67300EuropenC67400BSC67420Australia673Chemical CompositionCuFePbMnZnMin/Max68.5-71.50-0.10-0.070.8-1.5RemTypical usesProduct CategoryProductReason CategoryReasonIndustrialResistance Weldable Brass ProductsCorrosion ResistanceCorrosion ResistanceResistance Weldable Brass ProductsMechanical PropertiesModerate StrengthResistance Weldable Brass ProductsWelding CharacteristicsWeldabilityPhysical PropertiesMelting Point - Liquidus DegreeF2000Melting Point - Solidus DegreeF1920Densitylb/cu in. at 68 DegreeF0.308Specific Gravity8.53Electrical Conductivity% IACS at 68 DegreeF17Thermal ConductivityBtu/ sq ft/ ft hr/ DegreeF at 68 DegreeF56Coefficient of Thermal Expansion 68-572106 per DegreeF (68 - 572 DegreeF)11.1Specific Heat CapacityBtu/ lb / DegreeF at 68 DegreeF0.09Modulus of Elasticity in Tensionksi16000Thermal PropertiesTreatmentMinimum*Maximum**Measured in FahrenheitAnnealing9301300Hot Treatment13401560Fabrication PropertiesTechniqueSuitabilityFootnoteSolderingExcellentBrazingExcellentOxyacetylene WeldingGoodGas Shielded Arc WeldingFairCoated Metal Arc WeldingNot RecommendedSpot WeldExcellentSeam WeldExcellentButt WeldExcellentCapacity for Being Cold WorkedExcellentCapacity for Being Hot FormedFairActually fair to good.Machinability Rating30know more7030129973Get Best PriceCall Now C66800 Manganese Brass RodRs 480 / KilogramBrand: Shree ExtrusionsMaterial: Manganese BrassDiameter: 8mm To 70 mmThermal Conductivity: 55 Btu/ft h FMelting Range: 1690 to 1730 FThickness: 0.1-3.5mm Minimum Order Quantity: 1000 KilogramBrand: Shree ExtrusionsMaterial: Manganese BrassDiameter: 8mm To 70 mmThermal Conductivity: 55 Btu/ft h FMelting Range: 1690 to 1730 FThickness: 0.1-3.5mm The Manganese Brass Rod C66800 comes under the category of naval brass and is composed of 60% copper, 39.2% zinc and 0.8% tin. In compliance with typical naval brass, the alloy possesses good strength as well as rigidity. The corrosion resistance towards sea water is achieved due to the presence of zinc in place of tin. The addition of tin also makes the alloy resistant towards dezincification, fatigue, galling, and stress corrosion cracking.Applications: GearsSealing RingsThrust BearingsBushingsCamsSpindlesBearingsIdler PinsConnecting RodsDrive ShaftsValve SeatsSleeve BearingsPiston HeadsEquivalent Specifications: SPECIFICATIONSDESIGNATIONISOC67300EuropenC67400Chemical Composition: CuAlFePbMnNiSiSnZnMin/Max60.0- Available: HOLLOW RODSMin Bore Size 20 mm and Max OD 100 mmROUND RODS6mm To 130 mmHEX5mm To 60mmSQUARE4mm To 60mmFLAT5mm Min Thickness and max Width 120mmPROFILES / SECTIONSAS per Customer DrawingBILLETSUp to 200mmINGOTSAS per Specificationknow more7030131888Get Best PriceCall Now
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